平靜心境 活在此時此刻


Two origin teas in a P & T gift box in support of the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation
P & T 禮盒 原產地有機茶套裝 收益用作支持 Thich Nhat Hanh 基金會 This gift seeks to awaken our senses to the pure, present moment with every sip of tea. The Mindfulness Collection is a part of the Thich Nhat Hanh collection. Here 5% of the profit is donated to the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation.

作為與全球精神領袖一行禪師合作計劃的一部分,Mindfulness Duo 在 P & T 禮盒中為你帶來兩種原產地有機茶:來自泰國的有機奶香烏龍茶及來自中國的有機綠茶。 這份只為珍貴的你而準備的禮物,旨在用每一口茶喚醒你們的感官,以感受純淨、當下的時刻。 Blessings of sacred rain resound in this hand-made milky oolong tea. From the peaks of Northern Thailand, rich flavors blossom and carry songs of cloudless days that open you to valleys of awareness.

1 Caddy Clarity – Thailand Milky Oolong 1 Caddy Presence – China Green Tea



重量0.5 公斤
尺寸30 × 15 公分